
Bichectomy is the surgical removal of buccal fat located in the cheeks. The stubborn fat pads in the cheeks may cause an appearance of facial roundness. Some patients may be uncomfortable with this appearance. With bichectomy, excess cheek volume of around 5 to 6 cc can be removed to achieve a more slender and defined lower facial shape with more prominent cheekbones.

Bichectomy is performed under local anaesthesia and takes about half an hour. A small cut (around 1 to 2 centimetres) between the inner cheek and upper molars is made then an adequate amount of fat is removed. The incision is then closed with dissolvable sutures.

Patients are advised not to eat for three hours after the surgery. The swelling after the surgery usually disappears within two weeks. The results can be visible in a month.

Who is suitable for Bichectomy?

Bichectomy is not suitable for everyone. Patients who are healthy weight but have chubby cheeks may be the ideal candidates for this surgery. People who have excessive fat on their face and neck may not benefit from this surgery. Bichectomy is not recommended for people with a naturally narrow face as fat removal may cause sunken cheeks as they get older.

Are there other procedures to get a slimmer face combined with Bichectomy?

Cheek fillers, fat transfer or implants can be used to sculpt cheekbones for patients with slim cheeks to achieve a well-balanced facial appearance. Jawline contouring and bichectomy can be performed together to define the jawline to achieve a smoother lower face appearance.

How much fat is removed during bichectomy? How is the decision made?

Depending on the desired results, an average amount of two to three CC fat is removed from each cheek. It's not recommended to remove the entire buccal fat pad during the surgery. The surgeon should only remove the fat which can easily be taken out. Removing excessive or entire pads can cause sunken cheeks in later life.

What to do after surgery

The incisions will be closed with dissolvable sutures. That's just why there's no need to remove them later. Patients should not eat or drink anything for three hours after the surgery. After this, they can resume their normal diet. The incisions inside the mouth will heal within two days. Patience should use saltwater mouthwash and refrain from smoking.

Will there be swelling after the bichectomy?

Final results should be visible within two to three months. This gradual process may be an advantage for people who do not wish to reveal that they had surgery.